In order to complete your application package with TERO, please submit the following documents along with your "Skills Bank" application. Drivers License or Picture ID, Indian Enrollment verification, Social Security Card, Any type of training certificates.
When your application for TERO certification is received, it will be reviewed. If your application is incomplete, you will receive a checklist of verifications it will be necessary for you to submit. If your application is complete, you will receive a Certificate that expires one year from the date of issue. It would be of great assistance to us at TERO if you would identify the specific project you are bidding on or are interested in at the time you submit your documents to TERO.
Your next step is when you enter into a contract as a prime contractor or sub-contractor, before you begin work, you must contact the TERO office and set up an appointment with the Compliance Officer. You must bring in several documents, including a copy of the contract or agreement with the owner or prime, a copy of your notice to proceed and copies of your insurance documents sent by your insurance companies verifying your liability, workman's comp and any other required insurance. These copies will become a part of your TERO file. Remember the insurance requirements, the wage scale, and other pertinent components of the contract become enforceable by TERO.
If all your documentation is in place, the Compliance Officer will then enter into a written compliance agreement with the authorized representative of your company. This means the person who the company has authorized to make major decisions on this project and who is usually the on-site contact person. You must identify your core crew, which are company employees you want to be on-site. This is generally the job superintendent, supervisor or foreman or a combination of these positions. You will identify all positions you expect to hire as local hires or TERO referrals.
The Compliance Officer will review your core crew and determine if any of the positions you have identified as core crew or expect to hire are positions for which TERO has qualified persons. In that event, we will expect you to consider our TERO referrals for these positions. We have the mechanism to contact the persons that you may interview, notify them of the date and time of the interview and relate to them any special conditions of the job. We will expect you to hire 100% of our people for the laborer positions. We have a good number of carpenters, cement workers, ironworkers, operators, CDL carrying truck drivers and many other trades as well.
You are responsible for purchasing a work permit for all employees who are not enrolled members of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe. This must be done prior to any work being started by the employee. ALL PERSONS SEEKING A WORK PERMIT MUST BRING IN A PICTURE ID AND A SOCIAL SECURITY CARD. The work permit is valid for only one project. If you have several projects going within the Northern Cheyenne jurisdiction and an employee is being shifted from one project to another, that employee must have a work permit for each project. The work permit identifies the project and is valid only until the completion date of that project or the end of th calendar year.
In addition, Ordinance 1 (94) of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council states there must be Indian Preference provided for contractors. If you are a prime contractor or a subcontractor seeking 3rd tier subs, we can provide a list of TERO certified contractors, many of whom qualify as Indian preference.
TERO requires you to submit a copy of your weekly payroll to our office. This enables you to verify the person on the project are the persons you have on your compliance plan or are subsequent TERO referrals or new hires. In addition, you are verifying the employee is receiving the wage according to the scale and the positions hired for.
Please contact this office if you have any questions. The call will be directed to the TERO employee whom can most assist you.
Northern Cheyenne Tribe
600 Cheyenne Ave
Littlewolf Capital Building
P.O. Box 128
Lame Deer, Montana 59043
Phone: (406) 477-6284
Fax: (406) 477-6210
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