Childcare and WIA Program
October 1 - September 30
The Northern Cheyenne Child Care Program provides quality child care services to qualified Northern Cheyenne children and their families seeking assistance to gain employment attend training or further their education. It is the mission of our program to provide a healthy and safe environment to the Northern Cheyenne children and to promote and sustain economic self-sufficiency for the parents/guardians of the Child Care children. The Northern Cheyenne Child Care Program is funded by the Administration for Children & Families - Department of Health and Human Services and has a fiscal year of October 1 to September 30.
Who Can Apply?
The Northern Cheyenne Child Care Program assists low-income parents/guardians with child care cost. Parents/guardians must be attending high school, college, training, and working and/or be performing TANF hours. The children must be enrolled Northern Cheyenne children, 12 years old and younger and have current immunizations with documented if claiming special needs for children needing child care.
What is Needed to Determine Eligibility?
Parents/guardians must submit the Northern Cheyenne Child Care application with current documentation that is required to be eligible to receive child care. The Northern Cheyenne Child Care providers are required to submit a completed application, W-9, Release of Information form for Tribal and State of Montana background checks and Child Protection Background checks from BIA Social Services Department, yearly TB test results and pass a Urine Analysis (U.A.) Drug Testing in order to become a Certified Child Care provider and be compensated by the Child Care program.
Provider Training such as:
- Certified Pediatrics 1st Aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training which is required and mandated
- Safe Food Handlers training to the providers
- Distributed fire extinguishers, hand-sanitizers, outlet covers, smoke & CO2 detectors and cabinet locks to providers to secure safety areas
- Quality Care in Safe and Healthy Environments
- Proper Hand Washing Techniques
- My Native Plate (Menu)
Background Checks
The Child Care Program requires all providers to sign a Release of Information form for themselves and all persons over 18 years of age in their household to ensure safe environments to the children. This form is used to obtain a personal tribal and state background check. The Child Care tribe is currently set up with the State of MT to access the state’s online background system. The program is in process of setting up partnership with appropriate agencies to administer federal background checks.
Drug Testing
All Child Care providers are required and mandated to submit to a Urine Analysis (U.A.) Drug Testing before becoming a certified provider for the program. This testing is administered onsite at the Child Care program office; employees are certified to perform this testing.
Monthly Calendars
Activity, Nutrition and Health & Safety awareness/information calendars are sent to all providers for ideas for menus and physical activities for children, in cooperation with IMIL.
Informative notices sent to both parents and providers regarding; timesheet deadlines, early submission requests due to finance/tribal operational hours, future training or potential community/tribal events to attend. Birthday Posters sent to the children on child care services. The information is also on the Northern Cheyenne Tribe website at
Offender Lists
Current lists of Sexual and Violent offenders in the Rosebud and Big Horn Counties are distributed to all parents and providers once a year.
Office Staff Personnel
Rhea Bearcomesout, Executive Director
Lucinda “Cindy” Burns, Child Care Specialist
Mariah Walkslast, Office Manager
Vancant, Activities Coordinator
Northern Cheyenne Native Employment Programs
Child Care Development Fund Program
PO Box 368
Lame Deer, MT 59043
(406) 477-8341 phone
(406) 477-6221 phone
(406) 477-8577 fax